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What are Dorks and for what we use them? 

Dorks are strings used for google search requests. We basically use Dorks to scan through the web using Google. Our target is to find SQL injection vulnerable websites from which we can dump the databases to use it later as a combo. We have 3 ways to get dorks. 2 not special ways and 1 special one. The secret is all 3 ways are easy to do. The first method is leeching dorks off from nulled or any other cracking forum, or pastebin or youtube. There are many places where you can get dorks. This way also contains buying dorks, as you are able to buy dorks, since some people who are 'specialized' on making dorks, offer them. The second method is using a dork generator. The most famous dork generator is Work with Dorks / Dork Generator by John Doe though nowadays people advise you to use TSP Dork Generator. The third method is handwriting dorks. It's the best and how users say 'most hq' method, as when you are handwriting your dorks, you are able to write really specific google search queries, which may get you the combo you need. Normal dorks just give you results from random websites which you can dump and use as combos but handwritten advanced dorks target the sites you want to dump

Example of dorks: 

How to create dorks using an Dork Generator :

There are many dork generators out there. The most used and most famous ones, been the Dork Generators by John Doe. People nowadays use the TSP Dork Generator though. 

Download Link: here 

Im going to show you how to use that one. 
So first of all we are going to launch it
 – im using version 9.0. After launch we are going to check the Info Tab so we know the meaning of each variable. KW is the Keyword you are searching for
 PT is the Pagetype you are looking for | Example: PF is the Pageformat | Example: .asp, .html, .php etc. 
SF is Search function → Google Operators we wanna use. (If you wanna know what Google Operators are go to the Handwriting Dorks Part)
 DE Domain extention | Example: .de .us .com etc.

 My favourite feature is, you are able to create 
your own presets. You decide which domains you want to look for and can save it as a preset.

You can do that for every variable which is pretty nice. So this tool is basically already perfectly configured for you, you can just choose which domains you want and then after inserting your keywords you can start creating the dorks. Keywords are basically your search terms. For example: 
Free games 
battle royale 
etc. etc.

 If you managed your preferences and inserted your wished keywords you can start generating. The file with your generated dorks will be saved in the same folder where your TSP exe is.

Handwriting dorks : 

Most of the people think handwriting dorks is a shit hard thing to do 
– If im being honest I thought the same but then I been looking into it a bit and since I already knew some google operators (cuz of google hacking) I realized shit is actually easy af.

 You just need to understand it. 
So first of all Im going to explain you what a google operator is.

Google Operators are special strings which make your search request more advanced. The most common google operator is: 'inurl:' You probably are asking yourself now 'So what does this inurl: operator thingy do??

As you can see in the picture I provided, it basically checks if a certain string exists in the URL of the website and gives us the results we need.

How to search for specific strings / text / keywords in the website URL : 

inurl: Most used search operator Makes it able to search for one or many things in website URLs. For example you want to look for websites who have gallery id and page in their URL you can use: 

inurl:“gallery.php“ + “id=“ + “page=“

Search for things in website titles: 


 Very useful to target a group of things. Used if you want certain Text in the title of the website Example, intitle:"best game of 2019" will return URLs with the following term in the title of the website.


 Inaccurate version of the intitle Operator. Useful to target a group of things. 

Search for things in websites text: 


My personal favourite operator. Used if you want to target pages which contain certain text / keywords.


Searches whole website for certain text. Inaccurate so it's not recommended but I still like it. 

Scrape search results from search engines on certain pages: 


With that operator you are able to search results with search pages from other websites. Since it can be very inaccurate not recommended

Get results from certain keywords which are being linked to other pages / text: 


Results you websites which are being linked to with specific anchor keywords. Example: inanchor:“weed hash“ Is going to give you inbound links, which are connected to the keywords you provided. 


Basically the same as inanchor but only results you websites which contain ALL text / keywords you provided. So basically handwriting dorks is using those advanced google search queries with the help of those nice google search operators to specify your google search to get better results for SQLi Dumper

- Pastebin Slayer / Slayer Leecher 

Another method – a pretty easy but shitty one – is using Pastebin Slayer or the Slayer Leecher. Most of the newcomers use it to get combos, but I really dont recommend it – because people dont post hq stuff on Pastebin anymore → Shitty combos.

If you still wanna use it – start the program, insert your keywords and it scans pastebin for Combos, parses it and then ez profit!! Keywords should be search terms for stuff you need (E.g. Minecraft Alts) If you need some keywords here you have some: (You can add stuff like 100k user:pass and stuff for example) Also you can download my Keyword Creator tool for free on Nulled! It's very easy to use! 

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