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How to use SNIPR (Basics)

SNIPR is a Account Cracking Tool, which looks really good. The price for it is currently $20 and you can autobuy it at info.snipr.gg where you can download it too. It got cracked, however I advise you, use the paid version. Because the Cracked version is Ratted SNIPR includes: - Many official built in configs - Many community submitted configs - Email Checker with Keywords – Very good – way better than All in one Checker - Inbuilt Proxy Scraper and Checker - Inbuilt combo tools

Picture: SNIPR Start Screen – Cracking Config Selection

In the picture you can see there are green and blue configs. The difference between those 2 are proxies. Green configs = PROXYLESS Blue configs = Proxies are requiered So if you wanna start cracking accounts, first of all you have to choose what you want to crack by clicking on the config name. When done you have to go to the your proxies if required


When you loaded your proxies and combo, started cracking you are going to see your hits like this:

Also you can see the progress and the stats of your cracking session: Picture: Cracking Fitbit and Grammarly Accounts with SNIPR When you are done cracking or wanna stop you have to save your hits by pressing the save button

If you wanna start scraping proxies with SNIPR you go to the Proxies leecher Tab and click the Search Button in the right 

corner. It will start scraping proxies from the inbuilt sources or the sources you provided in the sources file. When done you can save the results, reload the proxy tab and check them by pressing the play button

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