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How to use SentryMBA (Basics)

Im gonna show you how to use SentryMBA with WWE as an example. You gonna learn now – how
 to crack accounts of your choice easily – how to load Wordlists and Proxylists in Sentry MBA, and how to use progression and History. Things you need: 
• A combolist (Email:Pass or User:Pass – depending on website you crack) 
• A config (snapshot)
 • Proxies (Depending on website you crack) First of all you have to chose your Sentry Version. I use a modded Sentry (v.1.4.1 by The Old Warrior) – search one that looks fine for you and you're good to go. Then let's startup Sentry – when not on RDP and cracking proxyless – like always enable VPN

When started your Sentry should look like that: First of all we gonna load our config. Make sure your config is up to date and working. For this we click on Load Settings from Snap Shot. Chose your ini File and go. Then after the config is loaded, we go to Proxy Settings and check if 

our config needs proxies. If 'Do not use proxies' is selected, we know our config doesnt need proxies. If it's not selected – next thing we gonna do is load our proxies. For this we go to Lists Tab → Proxy List

There we are going to load our proxies Press the folder and then choose the proxy type you got a list for. Now choose your proxies txt file. When the proxies are loaded – next thing we going to do is adding our combolist. For this we go to Lists Tab → Wordlist

When there, click the folder icon next to the wordlist panel and choose your combo file

When the combolist is added, we head over to History Settings – As for example the WWE config we want our keys to be instant saved in 

history so we can export the hits easily with a filter later. First of all we check 'Update History Frame in Realtime' Then we are going to make our own Save Filter

I personally use | for WWE as I can easily remove the non sub accounts later. There are those variables available: - The hit combo - Site your cracking – pretty useless - Keys captured – most likely your capture - Cookie captured When this stuff is done – We finally head over to progression and can start the bruteforce engine. Choose the bots depending on the config and website. Usually people add how many bots you should use when they post a config

Progression when cracking Accounts

If you are done with checking we head over to History. There you can see all the hits.

We gonna save our hits with our filter by pressing the disk icon and choosing our filter. When saved you can regex the hits file however you want e.g. removing no-sub hits. Example WWE Hits: .*None.*\r?\n Replace All with Notepad++ → All non sub hits removed


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